Are you looking to deepen your self-awareness as an educator, improve your teaching, and expand your understanding of embodied pedagogy?

As teachers, we have the enormous privilege of helping people expand who they are and how they experience the world. 

We are catalysts for change, which means we’re engaging with people who are in a vulnerable position; it is our responsibility to ensure that we accompany our students with the greatest emotional and cultural sensitivity and to make the process an empowering one.

The educational playing field is shifting as society becomes increasingly aware of the harm that can be caused by perpetuating limiting attitudes, approaches and assumptions from the framework of education that we’ve inherited, as well as the impact of limited learning models that exclude the body.

We are being called to cocreate a culture that is much more emotionally literate, embodied and holistic. One that fosters somatic awareness and involves the body in learning and relating. 

Teaching is not just about transmitting information, it’s about creating shifts in awareness, opening doors to new experiences, offering glimpses of previously unknown possibilities.

Learning is empowerment.

And to be able to do that for our students we need to be able to deeply understand ourselves and our biases as well as our students and the ways they respond due to their particular makeup and enculturation.

This training will enable you to

  • Deepen your understanding of yourself and how you show up as an educator

  • Expand your awareness of learning styles based on personality type, neurodiversity, trauma, cultural differences, etc

  • Explore the decolonisation of language and language learning

  • Deepen your knowledge of embodied pedagogy

  • Explore the link between language learning, creativity and self-expression

  • Discover conscious business and leadership practices 

The course includes

  • Materials for your mind

    PDF (theory + practice) + Video classes + Audios specifically created for each cycle. Reading materials (book + articles), podcasts, interviews and talks.

  • Materials for your heart

    Guided expressive writing sessions. Video classes with poems, texts, images and prompts.

  • Materials for your body

    Movement sessions, practical embodiment, guided meditations, voice, toning, poetry therapy, creativity sessions…

  • And more

    Reading list (books, articles) and talks, podcasts and interviews on every topic in the curriculum. Bonus classes with experts in different areas related to embodiment, leadership, language learning, mindfulness, coaching, creative writing, poetry, marketing…

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Start here
    • Welcome
  • 2
    Cycle One - Emotional Literacy
    • The Embodied Self | Emotional Literacy
    • On trauma - An overview
    • Movement + Energetics Class (I)
    • [Listen] Culture and Emotion / 29
    • Poems for Exploration and Integration
    • Further Reading
  • 3
    Cycle Two - Catalyst for Growth
    • The Embodied Relations | Catalyst for Growth
    • Learning Style Test
    • Decolonization of language
    • Pre-learning for relaxation and activation
    • Introspective and Creative Writing
    • Further Reading
  • 4
    Cycle Three - Alternative Methods for Individualised Learning
    • The Embodied Teacher | Alternative Ways for Individualised Learning
    • Audio Cycle Three
    • [Video] Embodied Learning
    • Cyclical Learning
    • [Listen] ERIN MANNING on the Choreography of Neurodiversity /356
    • Movement in the learning process (TPR and Embodied based TPR)
    • Introspective & Creative Writing
    • Further Reading
  • 5
    Cycle Four - Teacher as Artist
    • Embodied Creator | Teacher as Artist
    • [Video] The Healing Power or Multilingual Poetry
    • Collaborative Exploration_Creativity in the Language Learning Process
    • Introspective & Creative Writing
    • Further Reading
  • 6
    Cycle Five - Change-Maker
    • The Embodied Leader | Change-maker
    • How to lead an ethical, conscious, holistic and embodied language business
    • Non-Violent Communication & Circling Method of Communication
  • 7
    Cycle Six - Integration
    • Available 13th February
  • 8
    Guest Teachers
    • Jonathan Huggins
    • Kerstin Cable
    • Jessica Tefenkgi Ruelle

Time to change the face of language education

Join us on a journey to lean deeper into who you are as an educator. explore the nuances that shift your teaching paradigm from one which often does unconscious harm to one of conscious relating. Embrace embodied learning and cultural sensitivity.