Language learning needs to be more holistic, more intimate and more individual. It has all the brain but lacks heart, body and soul, don’t you think?

If these words speak to you, this masterclass is for you.

When motivation begins to dwindle, and the learning practice feels too controlled and expected, there is little space to wander on lingüistic adventures.

It’s time to rewild your language practice.

Reignite. Rekindle.

Bring the fire back.

There are 3 stages to this REWILDING process

  • Reframing

    It all starts with you, with your current mindset and conditioning. In this course, you'll learn how to reshape and redefine your language learning practice, but you need to know what shaped it – what shaped you – in the first place.

  • Relating

    Everything in this universe is relational. In order to rewild our language learning journey, we need to understand how we relate to it. We'll explore our relationship and dynamics with the language through archetypes and chakras.

  • Recreating

    Think outside the box and find the voice that's waiting for you to embrace. Uncensored self-expression in your target language, a radical voice that encompasses all that you are, this is what we'll explore here. There will be time for editing and correction. But for now, we play.

So much of your learning practice is optional, and so is so much of your self-expression in Spanish or any non-native language. You get to choose how you learn a language and how you express yourself through it.

Over here, we walk off the beaten path

Course Detail

Include supporting information here.

The 2-hour class will be carried out in English, but the materials are bilingual (Spanish – English), so you can explore your Spanish voice without being limited by your level. Bring pen, paper and an open mind.
Register for the course

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Reframe
    • Relate
    • Recreate
    • Workbook
    • And now what?


  • Maria Ortega

    Embodied Language Coach

    Maria Ortega

    I am an embodied language coach. I advocate for self-expression and the full expression of identity. This encompasses being your confidence coach, a writer, educator, facilitator, and poetry therapy practitioner.

    Relevant education
    • Trauma-Informed Teaching, delivered by educational consultant Ryhan Nadji (2022)
    • Intercultural Awareness, HSE, Ireland (2022)
    • “Understanding trauma and supporting the needs of people fleeing war and/or persecution”, webinar delivered by Jennifer Hayes, Department of Psychology, HSE, Ireland (2022)
    • Poetry Therapy Practitioner (in training) by iaPoetry (2021)
    • Emotional learning based on thought training by Instituto Cervantes (2017)
    • Transforming Business, Society and Self with u.Lab (Online, MIT X, 2016)
    • DELE and SIELE examiner by Instituto Cervantes (2014, 2016)
    • Diploma Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language by Instituto Cervantes (2011)
    • MA. in Scenery Arts by Universidad de Burgos. (2008)
    • BA. in Humanities (Applied Languages) by Universidad de Burgos (2005)

    Informal research and training in embodied/experiential learning, integrational lingüistics, identity, multiculturalism and multilingualism, creative writing.